Three Marketing Ideas to Show Gratitude, This Thanksgiving

Nelet Kok
November 14, 2022

Thanksgiving is a time when families and friends come together: it's characterized by the onset of winter, hearty meals and celebrating all that they are grateful for.

It is also a time when people reflect on the past year and set goals for the coming one. But how to market the holiday, to get the most out of it for you as a business while showing gratitude for the people around you? We explore some stats to understand the impact of this holiday and chat through three ways to show gratitude, to those around you.

The economics of Thanksgiving

To give context to not only the hype around Thanksgiving, but keeping in mind the tradition of the holiday, we’ve compiled some stats on this holiday. 

Infographic: Family Matters | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista
Infographic: Inflations Woes Affect Thanksgiving Dinner | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista

From the statistics we can see that the holiday is celebrated with a great meal, shared among friends or family (or both) and is a time to reflect on things to be grateful for. Keeping this in mind, we’ve compiled three DC marketing ideas to show the individuals around you, you’re grateful for them. 

DC marketing strategies to show gratitude:

  1. Share your gratitude: with customers, community members, neighbors and staff. Show your appreciation for your customers with a festive email, banners or signs around your store! Learn customers' names or send a personalized newsletter.
    Host a staff lunch or gift every staff member a gift with a personalized thank you card, to show your appreciation for the work they put into the business.
  2. Participate in the community. Connecting with the bigger community is the start of authentic relationships that encourage and support individuals, groups and businesses. Here we share a couple of ideas.
  3. Create your own business traditions that become an institution for staff members and customers to look forward to and participate in every year. Just like family traditions, business traditions create a sense of community and togetherness. 

something is better than nothing, small gestures go a long way! 

Whether you are an entrepreneur, a small business, or a large corporation, we all need to find new and innovative ways to market our businesses and products. Thanksgiving is a great time to be thankful for all we have, and to give back to our communities. 

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